Mighty Bright Music Lights
I play drums and percussion professionally. Last November I fell off the back of my drum riser and thenoff the backside of the stage. Consequently, I sufferedseveral intense injuries including a massive head concussion that led to a temporary loss of vision. With the work that I do, I constantly read charts (sheet music) both live and in the studio. With this loss of vision, I’ve had a hard time being able to read the music or set list, and it worried me that I wasn’t able tofulfill my job at the high standard that I had performedbefore my accident.
In January 2009, I attended the NAMM show and I walked into the Mighty Bright Music Light booth. I looked around and saw the best lights that I have ever seen. I knew that these were built for musicians and were made to make my job easier. While checking out the lights, I met sales and artist relationsrepresentative, Dustin Cheatham. After explaining what I had undergone with my injuries, Dustin showed me exactly what I needed--Mighty Bright Music Lights. I was amazed at the powerful LED bulbs in every single model. I left the booth with several lights that day and I can’t play without them at any gig or session!
I have numerous Mighty Bright Music Lights on my set up. For my music stand I use the amazingOrchestra Light. I also use the Duet2 LED Music Light with adapter on my drummer’s table that holds my metronome and other accessories. To light up my set list I use the Triple LED Telescoping Light (Black). The newest addition to my set up is the 2 LED USB Light for my laptop. And for off stage I have the ever so handy Roadie Lights - Carabineer and Keychain LED Set for making my way around dark stages or venues.
Since the NAMM show, I have had the opportunity to build relationship with Mighty Bright and Dustin Cheatham. I’ve had several conversations with Dustin,and he proves that Mighty Bright is always on top of they’re game--always something new and inventivewith Mighty Bright, designing to make our jobs as musicians much easier. I can tell you now that I personally believe that the days of cheap, dim halogen bulb lights are over thanks to Mighty Bright Music Lights! Mighty Bright has top notch artist relations andcustomer service! There is no reason why any musician should use any other personal, portable music light than Mighty Bright Music Lights! I’m very proud to be endorsing Mighty Bright and I know you will be proud to use them also!
And who knows? Maybe if I had met Dustin Cheatham and Mighty Bright a couple of years ago, I would not have fallen off stage!
Be sure to check out www.mightybright.com and ask for Mighty Bright at your local music store!
In January 2009, I attended the NAMM show and I walked into the Mighty Bright Music Light booth. I looked around and saw the best lights that I have ever seen. I knew that these were built for musicians and were made to make my job easier. While checking out the lights, I met sales and artist relationsrepresentative, Dustin Cheatham. After explaining what I had undergone with my injuries, Dustin showed me exactly what I needed--Mighty Bright Music Lights. I was amazed at the powerful LED bulbs in every single model. I left the booth with several lights that day and I can’t play without them at any gig or session!
I have numerous Mighty Bright Music Lights on my set up. For my music stand I use the amazingOrchestra Light. I also use the Duet2 LED Music Light with adapter on my drummer’s table that holds my metronome and other accessories. To light up my set list I use the Triple LED Telescoping Light (Black). The newest addition to my set up is the 2 LED USB Light for my laptop. And for off stage I have the ever so handy Roadie Lights - Carabineer and Keychain LED Set for making my way around dark stages or venues.
Since the NAMM show, I have had the opportunity to build relationship with Mighty Bright and Dustin Cheatham. I’ve had several conversations with Dustin,and he proves that Mighty Bright is always on top of they’re game--always something new and inventivewith Mighty Bright, designing to make our jobs as musicians much easier. I can tell you now that I personally believe that the days of cheap, dim halogen bulb lights are over thanks to Mighty Bright Music Lights! Mighty Bright has top notch artist relations andcustomer service! There is no reason why any musician should use any other personal, portable music light than Mighty Bright Music Lights! I’m very proud to be endorsing Mighty Bright and I know you will be proud to use them also!
And who knows? Maybe if I had met Dustin Cheatham and Mighty Bright a couple of years ago, I would not have fallen off stage!
Be sure to check out www.mightybright.com and ask for Mighty Bright at your local music store!
Copyright Bo Swanger 2018